How to Get Fit in a Pandemic
Since many people are working at home now because of the pandemic, they may not be getting the regular exercise they need, which has resulted in poorer general health and extra pounds.
However, you can still work out even if you’re stuck at home. Of course, you can still run or bike in the gym, or even play tennis in the sun by schedule, but now you could be less able to.
So, here we will give you advice on how you can get fit in the pandemic for your health and well-being.
But, before we start, you should consider your health condition or ailments as exercise may worsen them. We advise that they consult with a doctor first in order to be safe and sure.
1) Set fitness goals and a timeline

Setting your goals should be the first thing you do. It’s up to you whether to do it mentally or write it down on the note app of your smartphone or a blank paper.
You may aim to run 15 minutes twice a week or do twenty pushups a day. Even though you may have a completely busy day, you can easily fit this exercise into your daily routine.
As you get faster or stronger, you can increase the reps or time gradually. Consistency is key to improving or maintaining your fitness level.
Bonus tip: You should exercise even if you feel lazy on the day as everyone (even Olympians!) feel that way. It’s all a matter of you will or won’t.
2) Get outside as much as you can

Unless you are in quarantine or your area is in lockdown, you should get outside to do exercise as much as you can.
Running, jogging, and biking are all great solo exercise options. But, remember to wear a mask and keep your distance from everyone.
Not only can your physical health benefit from it but your mental health will too. Because you’re able to get some sun and fresh air and enjoy the peaceful views around you.
That said, if you aren’t able to go outside, you could exercise in the comfort of your room. All you need is a mat and you can do squats, lunges, planks, crunches, or other exercises to work your whole body.
3) Take it easy if you’ve not been exercising for a while

If you have been inactive in exercising from a few weeks to a few months and plan to come back, take it easy at first so your body can adjust to it.
Going a hundred per cent when you’ve just come back can make you injured, have painful cramps, or feel uncomfortable.
So, in this case, you have to work yourself at fifty per cent or slightly less of the intensity or time of your usual workout. If you’ve managed to keep that up, your body will soon be ready to take more pounding.
4) Recover your body after physical training

After the hard work, your body will thank you and you’ll feel instantly better about yourself and those that exercise less frequently will probably feel pleasant sweat and light muscle soreness, which are natural.
Now, you have to give your body rest to facilitate active recovery. The amount of rest to take depends on how rigorous the strength or cardio training is.
For light walking, you can do it daily except Sunday, for instance. And for a mid-intensity exercise of running, swimming, or biking, you can alternate between the active and rest days in the week.
Don’t forget to drink lots of water post-workout. This will replace the fluid loss during exercise and regulate your body temperature.
Also, you could have a protein bar or shake after hard training. These serve to improve your recovery rate while retaining your muscle gain—that is, if you’d want your body to look lean.